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Define "American"

Updated: May 29, 2022

Originally published: 2/19/2014 | 7:50am

This week in my English class, we discussed the term American. We read various personal stories in our textbook relevant to the topic and were then asked to define the word. I quickly realized that in the United States, many people begin trying to figure out where you are originally from just based on appearance. So, what exactly does an American look like? There honestly is no real answer to the question. Our nation came to be what it is now through immigration, starting in large part with England. Since then, people representing nearly every country have come to claim the United States as their home. Though they may not be American by birth, their children and grandchildren are. America truly is a melting pot of people. We all come from different backgrounds, but for many of us this is the only country we can identify ourselves with.

In my next post, I will discuss the American culture. It will basically be a continuation of this post. In the meantime, let's all make an attempt to better appreciate different cultures!

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