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Writer's pictureKimi's Travel Thoughts

Pokémon Go: How Does the Game Impact Traveling?

Updated: May 29, 2022

Originally published: 9/26/2016 | 11:27pm

If you're like me, you have probably been spending countless hours over the last couple of weeks walking around and driving to nearby locations to catch virtual creatures because Pokémon Go has slowly started to take over your free time (or life). While the game has its ups and downs (and fair share of people completely against the game, which is perfectly fine since you can't please everyone), I began to realize how the recent public release of the game has impacted the travel plans of my friends and people across the globe. All the excitement surrounding the game left me to ponder this question: How has Pokémon Go changed travel plans for people who play the game?

As I mentioned, some of my friends take the time to catch Pokémon while they vacation this summer. While I can only imagine how fun it must be to travel the globe with the hope of "catching them all" as you spend time relaxing with family and friends, one can only wonder if these people are also taking time to absorb their surroundings. I like to believe that they play the game during less exciting moments of their trips, but then again, there are people who actually travel to various locations in search these virtual creatures.

A good example of people traveling to various locations in search of Pokémon (sadly) is no other than the author of this blog post. Yes, I am one of the many smartphone owners that has allowed the game to consume a portion of their life to what can eventually be a costly extent (for the record, I am Team Instinct which is the Yellow Team). Just the other day my friends wanted to go to a popular boardwalk nearby where we live. I saw it as an opportunity to catch some new Pokémon. "What do y'all want to do when we get there?" I had offered to drive and asked this once I picked them up. They simply responded with, "Catch Pokémon". Thrilled, we spent almost 2 hours catching Pokémon along with many others visiting the boardwalk that afternoon.

So how exactly has Pokémon Go impacted travel across the globe? Well, it's still a little bit too early to really tell, but it has definitely changed the travel plans of many. The game has even created travel plans for others. Of course, this isn't the case for everyone. There are still plenty of people who aren't on the Pokémon Go train, and that's okay. Maybe the non-players are just the people who will help keep those of us stuck in the virtual world at times reminded that reality can be just as entertaining. Whatever you have in your travel plans, just make sure you stay safe. Traveling and catching Pokémon can only be fun if you're being safe. Also, take the time to experience the destination you have traveled to. Don't allow the game to take over the enjoyment of your trip. With that being said, I'm going to go catch some Pokémon and try to become a Pokémon Master. Happy Travels and Gaming, my friends!

*DISCLAIMER: This post is in no way affiliated with the companies that produce the game. I am merely a fan that wanted to question the connection the game has with travel.

Feel free to leave comments below, tweet (@KimiThoughts), or leave a post/message on Facebook (@KimisTravelThoughts) and share your thoughts on Pokémon Go and how it has or has not impacted your travel plans!

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