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Writer's pictureKimi's Travel Thoughts

La Basilique du Sacré-Cœur de Montmartre

Updated: May 29, 2022

Originally published: 12/22/2015 | 11:36pm

We have arrived at the eleventh day and final installment of my European vacation stories. My travel group returned to Paris in the early evening on July 5th. Our flight was very early the next morning, so we quickly checked into our final hotel for the trip and made our way over to dinner.

The tour guide for our trip, James, wanted us to eat at his favorite restaurant. We enjoyed our meal of cottage pie at Le Bon Bock, the oldest restaurant in Montmartre. The food was very good and was prepared in a different style from what we had just a couple of days before at a restaurant in Caen. After dinner, we took a lift to La Basilique du Sacré-Cœur de Montmartre (The Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris). Before going into the church, my friends and I went to visit the street art area just around the corner. We then made our way over to some good spots to take pictures of the entire city of Paris (the elevation was high enough that we could overlook the city). Once we finished taking pictures, we sat in a lovely little park and enjoyed the view as the sun set. That is, until we saw a rather large rat. My friends and I decided to leave the park and visit the church at that point. Pictures are not allowed inside of the church, so I am unable to share any photos of the interior with you. However, I can say this was one of the most unique churches I have ever visited. The architecture and layout are unlike any other. The church can be broken down into sections. Therefore, depending on what is being celebrated in the church at the moment, there is a separate section for each celebration that takes place. I can confidently say this was one of the most peaceful establishments I have ever stepped foot in. I did take pictures of the exterior that you can see in my Google Photos Collection. In one of the pictures, you will notice a large crowd. There were various types of performers out that day and people sat on the church steps to enjoy the entertainment. After enjoying our final evening out, we returned to the hotel for the night and flew back to the United States at 4:00 AM the following morning (our return home was Day 12 of the trip).

This was by far the best trip I have ever taken! I learned so much and got to enjoy new experiences. My blogging has consisted of a majority of the details of my trip, but sadly I could not remember every single moment as well as I had wanted to. I want to thank everyone for reading about my trip to Europe, and I cannot wait to begin a new topic. I have been posting on Tuesdays for the most part, and I will continue to post on the same day. As always, I encourage everyone to travel and experience other cultures. You do not have to take the same trip as me. In fact, you may not ever want to visit any of the locations I did on this trip. That is just fine. Take a trip anywhere you feel like you could truly have a good time visiting. Let your travel experiences open your eyes and view the world you live in from a different angle. With that being said, I hope you continue to read my blog as I begin new topics, and here is the link for my final Europe Trip Google Photos Collection:

Feel free to leave comments below, tweet (@KimiThoughts), or leave a post/message on Facebook (@KimisTravelThoughts) and share your stories and experiences with traveling to France!

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